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03/04/20 04:22 PM #156    


Robert McCrillis

Does anyone remember Tony Delaquilla's remark that got him cracked across the face by Miss Furrow? Room 212 was known as the "boiling room" for a reason.

03/05/20 07:10 AM #157    


David Raymond

Bob-  I couldn't resist responding to your question about Tony D and Miss Farrow. ( I'm sure a Freudian psychologist would have fun with your spelling...surprise  ).  I was not in the room so I didn't know about that incident, but I suspect that Tony was more unguarded and only expressed what every one of us was thinking about her.  I remember her high heels, short skirts, long legs and very cool demeanor.  I'm sure on many occasions, she just had to shake her head in wonder about what is it that made adolesent boys tick!

The other very notable incident at Frisbee, which happened in the hall outside my classroom, was when Willie Wyman slugged Mr Bushey.  That was Willie's last day of school ever!


03/05/20 11:20 AM #158    


Dixie McLean

David, she was Miss FUrrow.

From the photo, looks like

she mellowed into niceness or felt

more relaxed in retirement! 


03/06/20 06:32 AM #159    

Steve Losier

I remember the incident between Tony and Mrs. Furrow. When challenged she would walk up to the challenger and hold up the palm of her hand and say "do you want to feel me?"  Tony answered with an excited "yeah" and she repsonded with the slap.

03/06/20 02:04 PM #160    

Robert Holt

I dont remember the incident but , wondering what happened to Tony ??  I think he joined the Navy ??  Bob



03/06/20 03:26 PM #161    


Dixie McLean

Wow Steve! I always felt a little afraid of her stern demeanor but never saw that action! She’d be fired for threatening and slapping like that nowadays! Thanks for remembering and solving the mystery. I was curious what happened! Bob, I think Tony might be still in Maine somewhere. This inquiring mind may google him. 😄 Dixie

03/06/20 03:29 PM #162    


Dixie McLean

Robert, great incident for your next book, which I hope will be nonfiction! 

03/06/20 11:09 PM #163    


Dixie McLean

Bob Holt, Tony is listed among Vietnam Vets on this memorial, so you’re right, he was in the armed services. I didn’t know so many of our Kittery contemporaries served in Vietnam! https://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20040821/news/308219994

03/07/20 11:21 AM #164    


Patrick Chaney

Last time I had contact with Tony D, he was living in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon as i recall.  We've corresponed episotically for perhaps ten years or so.  And yes, he left school to join the Navy.

03/09/20 06:58 AM #165    

Robert Holt

Thanks Pat.

04/07/20 12:51 PM #166    


Arnold Putnam

To all.  The 2020 Golden Grads has been cancelled.  Hope to see you on July 21, 2021.  Stay well.

03/30/21 06:49 PM #167    


Jean Goss (Treacy)

It's so funny reading these posts as so much of it was completely new to me.  Shapleigh School was definitely an outlier in those days.  My memory of intimidating female teachers was a certain Miss Pappas, soon to become Mrs. Jack.  For a couple of years before her marriage to Mr. Jack, she lorded it over Shapleigh School sixth-graders, short skirts, high heels, cool manner.  I did not have her (that's another story) as she came the year after I went to 7th grade at Frisbee.  However, I was told by many that she used to 'drape' herself on boys' desks as she taught and students thought she was being very provocative.  In later years, I met her socially several times and she was really a very nice woman and I always wondered if the stories I had heard were accurate.

01/05/22 12:44 PM #168    


Diane Tuttle (Coughenour)

Nancy (Foss) Lawson, I just read in the Portsmouth Herald that your dad passed. I was so sorry to see it. You were so lucky to have your dad for so many years. I have read several articles in the paper about him. 104 years! Your dad will be remembered by many people. My condolences, Diane Tuttle Coughenour


05/07/22 11:56 AM #169    


Patrick Chaney

Rest in Peace, Melvin, Rest in Peace

02/19/23 11:39 AM #170    

Ann Heeney

Happy Birthday Janice! You were my first girlfriend and you have been my friend ever since. X0

07/07/23 12:37 PM #171    


Janice Mitchell (Cook)

Hi Classmates!

This is a request for a person to do snowplowing on Folcutt Road in Kittery Point. Our previous plower has decided to retire and we would appreciate any suggestions that any of you who live in the area might have. Any guidance would be appreciated. 
Thank you.

Janice Mitchell Cook



07/08/23 01:47 PM #172    


Jean Goss (Treacy)

Janice, A voice from the past!!  I'm now living on a private lane off Haley Road and we five families on the lane use a local man, Tom Beasley (207-703-3454), for all of our plowing.  If you call him, mention my sister (lives next door!) Joanne Rammer as she's the contact person with Tom.  You can also mention Hiltons Run, off Haley Road, as another connection point.  He's done the plowing here for a number of years and has never let any of us down.  He's a real 'rural' Mainer so a little rough (!) but does good work.  Good luck!

07/09/23 04:35 PM #173    


Diane Tuttle (Coughenour)

Yesterday my best friend, Karen Peschel Robichaud, was brought here from North Carolina where she wanted to be. She passed last June. Her ashes were brought to St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Durham by her husband, Robi. The church they were married in 1971. This was a wonderful tribute to Karen - the mass, readings by her  two children Jeff and Ryan, the beautiful music and Robi's heartfelt eulogy of their lives together.

"I've reached the end of my journey, And the sun has set for me.

My life's been touched by many, Rejoice for my soul's now free."

I was grateful to be there to say good bye to a special friend of 62 years.

Diane Tuttle Coughenour


07/10/23 06:55 AM #174    


Ramona Lavigne (Dow)

I fondly remember Karen from those years at Traip and also attending CCD classes at St Raphael's.  That beautiful soul now enjoying peace in a life everlasting.

07/10/23 09:10 AM #175    


Jerilee Connor (Zezula)

Thank you, Diane, for sharing. I'm sure your friendship over the years meant a lot to Karen. May she rest in peace.   Jeri

07/10/23 10:02 AM #176    

Janis Tarling (Lorenzen)

Thanks Diane for sharing this. I got to know her better when I was dating her brother. She was such a nice person and will be missed greatly 


07/10/23 10:45 AM #177    


Lynn Matthews (Caldwell)

Thank you for sharing, Diane. I didn't know Karen well, but we reconnected at the 50th reunion. She was just how I remembered her - sweet and kind. So sorry to hear of her passing. God rest her gentle soul.  

07/10/23 11:58 AM #178    


Jean Goss (Treacy)

Diane, thanks for sharing.  I didn't know Karen well but we were together in home room in junior high and I remember how warm and inviting she was with me when I was a very shy kid from N. Kittery.  I'm so glad to know that she had a rewarding life and a wonderfully supportive family.

07/10/23 01:26 PM #179    


Patrick Chaney

Thank you for sharing this update Diane; may Karen ever rest in peace.

07/12/23 07:17 AM #180    


Janice Mitchell (Cook)

Jean, thank you for the plow guy information. My brother has contacted him and we hope he will be able to plow for the 5 families on our road. My grandparents lived in Kittery Point for many years and Jack and I now own the property. 
We are very appreciative! 





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